Monday, September 6, 2010

Yes, that is binary code on the background of a constitution blog.

You might be wondering why I chose a background of binary code to sit behind discussions about our constitution.  This background immediately reminded me of the movie The Matrix, which you've all probably seen, and if you haven't, you should.  That movie represents the ultimate example of a group think mindset, in which no one questions the ideas that are proposed to them (i.e.- the world inside the matrix).  Where people are comfortable never delving further into the way their reality functions.  This may seem to be a bit of a stretch, but think about it:  How many people do you know that actually research proposed laws, amendments, politictians, etc.?  How many people do you know that check up on their representatives and senators to make sure that they're voting in their best interest?  My guess is not many, if any at all.  I challenge each of you who read this page to do just that:  Get involved in the way our country runs.  Keep your representatives and senators honest, and make sure they're voting for your future and not just their political party or special interests. Always delve deeper, and don't be afraid to question ideas that you don't agree with.  These are the very freedoms our country was founded upon and it's a shame that so many people don't use them.